History, History.
& it's amazing.
I kind of found it interesting?
& i understoood what i studied.
You should only carry on reading this post if you're a history student,
if not this is useless to you.
- TOV (Treaty Of Versailles) was set up, to punish Germany for starting the war.
- This was done by the 3 Big Man - Wilson (USA), Clemenceau (France), Lloyd George (Britain), to punish Germany for causing this war and prevent them from causing another war.
- PM Cl_______ felt that the TOV was too harsh on Germany and was afraid that because of this treaty a war might break out.
- Lloyd George & President Wilson felt that Germany desrves this punishment for the harm they caused and wanted revenge for what Germany had done to other countries.
- Even though, Germany had signed the treaty, they did not keep to it.
- They kept making compromises,
- They had made secret treaties to pull other countries into the war
- Early Self- Determination - some people had already decided to create borders for themselves
- US isolationism - in fear it would start another war. - What were the terms of the TOV?
- The army was restricted to 100 000 men only.
- They could only have 15000 navy man, and 6 battleships, with some smaller ships
- They were not allowed any submarines, tanks, planes
- They had to accept the blame for what they had done - cause the war.
- Had to pay heavy reperations for all the damage and harmed caused by the war. - Other treaty's that had been signed with the defeated countries, (terms?)
- Had their land taken away
- Had military restrictions placed on them.
- Had to agree to pay reperations. - How did Germany react to the treaty?
- Too harsh. Had no choice but to follow. - Through the TOV, LON came about. (League Of Nations.)
Aims of the League?
- Make sure there was peace and security through out the world
- to promote open, honorable relations between nations
- Maintain & hep modify treaties between nations
Strengths Of The League:
- Dealing with social issues,
- improving living
- working conditions worldwide
- dealing with health issues
Weaknesses of the League:
- Attitudes of the League:
- USA had insisted to be part of the League, but did not in the end, which made other countries not take the League seriously, because USA didn't take it seriously
- Membership:
- The main aim of the treaty was to bring peace, but with the excultion of the defeated countries in WWI, made the League seem that they did not focus of making peace either.
- The League wanted to bring self governing states - but this brought disappintment to the people as none of the area gverned by mandates were selg governing
- The main reason of the League was also to bring Peace, but because of the League's dicisions, many disputes were started and were unable to be solved.
The LON wanted to do diarmament -> ( dismantling of armies, weapons - making war impossible)
- German Disarmament:
- only was allowed 100 000 men,
- but the government foolishly trained all of them to become officers and not soldiers
- secretly trained soldiers - didn't follow the LON. - Naval Disarmament:
- Aim was to balance out all kinds of stuffs so that if a war happens it would be managable, but try to make sure that a war would be unable to be carried out.
- Only allowed 15 ooo naval officers,
- 6 battleships & a few smaller ships
- No submarines, tanks, & planes were allowed - Military Disarmament:
- Limited their arms ( weapons.)
Differences between TOV & LON:
1) TOV is agressive
2) TOV biased, targetted only one country/ one sided
3) They were holding on to different aims/objectives.
- Economic Problems that hindered recovery & recondtruction:
- Debt ( Many countries borrowed heavily to finance the war.)
- Broken Trade Links ( Trade was interrupted due to the war.)
- Damage( War Damage had to be repaired.)
- Disruption of Communication Lines ( because of the war, all these lines were broken)
- Industail Problems ( Unemployment, jobless)
That's about all.
80% of this infomation is from my brain, and the other 20 had to be referred, because i forgot.
I hope that doesn't happen tomorrow.
I'll probably be hitting the sack soon,
Labels: History Notes.
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