Now Listening to: Here I Am To Worship - Hillsongs
Time seriously flies. The next thing you'll know it would be the end of the year already. Wow!
(6th August)
Had English... Watched the others movie till the end. (: It's quite a confusing show tough. It had alot of twists here and there but overall it was nice. Then recess. RAWR! Some science teacher saw me with black shoes so she quickly stopped me and asked me to go and stand outside the science lab to chase people to go by the other way because the secondary 4s were having their practical exam. So i did. I stood there & shooed everyone away! (In the sense like say soory, go by the art studio way). & they did listen. I did that for 20mins? But that's a job of a counsellor.(:
Then Art. I finished my sketch and a little of my mindmap. Rawr so complicated! I'm like so over budget.): So that was Art than MT. Rabecca is back. She talks as if she's trying to catch a train. Supersuper fast! Half way through, I brought Ananya & Suma back to the primary school for their farewell & i stayed through the farewell.(: The 9-year old is so ADORABLE. (: Then sent them off. ): I miss them. but we're still in contact. (: Then came back for Maths. BORING. Goodness i can't even understand what Miss Chia's talking. Then came home & had maths tuition and i got all my mis-understood facts, understood. (: happyhappy.
(7th August)
Timetable ended at 1.15! YIPPIE! But, there was supp class. boooo. Miss Chia is brave man. He combined her two secondary classes together and then conducted the class in the MPR. Twotruth& twolove. So it was sooooo noisy! Plus, we could hardly hear her & neuther could we see the white board. So i did some self-study instead.(: Came home at 5 plus and then i had Maths tuition again. And i understood everything already.(: Tuition ended at 8.15 okay! about 3 hours of tuition!(: And after tuition, i decided to do a little bit of the D&T research.(: & when to sleep soon after.
(8th August)
NDP in school! (:
I wore red! So did all the girls in twotruth. There were only like 9 boys? So the class was quiet; without any clowns & jokers around. And so we had to do a banner for National Day.

(9th August)
Happy 42nd Birthday Singapore! (:
Went out in the morning to ? (i can't remember)
and then came home and when down to 'play' for awhile in the afternoon. Home by 6 to watch the NDP on tv. It was okay. I expected it to me more bubbly & hyper & not all those oprea kind of performances. :P
(10th August)
Revised in the morning. Almost done on revision. Then at night went to Turf Club for vision dinner. :D I got to see Valerie & Clarissa again! :D Watched videos, ate & watched more videos. Then close to 11pm it ended? Then came home and did my finished my mindmap for art! (: Then went to sleep. It was late tough.
(11th August)
Had cell outing to Changi Beach Club! :D I did bring my books to revise okay; but i was having too much fun to even realise that i'm suppose to revise. I SWAM. After a longlong time. I really enjoyed myself. (; And off for dinner & then back home soon after. Revised a little & went to sleep.
Nothing much happened on Sunday other than my Gastric that started again? Yeap. So i did'nt go to school on Monday & Tuesday. ):
(15th August)
Last two papers of the Common test - Science & Higher Tamil. Science was difficult. Too many experiments & culculations. RAWR. Grrrr. But it's over! :) MR KASSIM IS BACK. :) Yippie! No more Rabecca who trys to catch the train. (: So i saw him during the break and talked to him for awhile together with the rest of the tamil class. Then we left for class soon after to get ready for the next paper. Higher tamil. It was'nt as hard as I expected it to be. (: Probably because i did prepare alot for the paper. (: I even finished the paper in time having like 15 mins to 'redo' the paper. *check* After the paper came home & HAD to finish ART research at least. But i have not finished yet. Thanks to my over-budgeting again.
Thursday aka Today...
(16th August)
Had twoperiods of art. RAWR. Now i'm under budget. Mr Lau was like you have a so small wardrobe to only fit like 20 sets of clothes & you don't want a mirror? How about a dressing table? A tv? A mirror? So now i've to go get all of this to fill my quie empty room at the momment. I like Art this term! Probably because we can get alot of help from Mr Lau & it's a rather simple thing to do. Plus it's the whole term's work so you can take your own time to do it.(: Next was MT? Some back-to-the-old lesson with the famous story teller! So listened and laughed&laughed. (: Glad to have the proper tamil teacher back! It seemed ages since we last had a lesson as a class & with him of course! Last period was CME. RAWR. How can Mrs Lee not turn up? She just left the class with no teacher till 2? And the class was caotic & madness.
I've got lots of things to do:
- Complete ART
ohh &
- chapter 7 with Miss Tay tomorrow. (:
- Tamil workbook?
& complete my reading.
Labels: my week 6
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